Living in love and light

Sharing some words for those who struggle in life … struggle with letting it all go, letting it all be … struggle with relinquishing control and just trusting … struggle with loving ourselves and the beings around us … struggle with losing faith and finding it again … so all of us, at some point, undeniably.

No matter what fabricated boundaries get thrown around, we are one … all of us are made of the same stuff … we cry the same tears, we bleed the same blood … we were all born, and we are all dying at our own pace … we all have the capacity to love … and importantly, we all have the ability to make choices during our short time here on this planet, and it is an awesome responsibility to choose wisely.

Hoping, in whatever small way, my honesty and vulnerability could help another human feel empowered and free … as I do after rising above countless caregiving challenges to learn equally innumerable lessons about life lately. Thanks for reading, and Namaste friends.

so heavy
just too much to bear
this jumbled bundle of worries
this tattered bag of cares

and like a gypsy
i’ve kept it with me
for fear that setting it down
will mean being

a sense of place
in time
and space

a roaming nomad with no home
further stripped of her history
her stories

this patched-up sack
faded from years
in the sun and the rain
tangible fibers that
honor the joy
pay homage to pain

but the deep river bed on the journey ahead
forces a choice
to leave it behind begs a perilous passage
to keep holding tight risks a comfortable death

full surrender
i step into the flow
carried by the clarity of love
buoyed by an inexplicable faith
and certain

on arrival at the crossroads to come
i will again and again
go within
to find light
on the other side
of darkness


Reconciling life and death


The state of grateful