Real connection is made in real life

Each day, we wake up with a list of things to do, places to go, people to see – all aspects of living in the physical world, inside our unique communities inside the global village.

But how present and really alive are we through it all? And do we really get the significance of our choices, the power of how we show up, and our individual capacity to create shifts?

While, today is going to look different for each of us – the way we prepare ourselves for our tasks at-hand, where we will travel and how we will get there, and the interactions we will have – we are all humans facing the same challenges.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” An astute perception by the classical Greek philosopher Plato when he walked this earth BCE. It’s not only a profound way of viewing who we are being / how we are being throughout our waking hours, but a lesson in connection.

Operating with such compassion and maintaining awareness of our brothers and sisters we meet – whether it’s line at the grocery store, in our workplaces, or when we return home to our families – is integral in living a spiritual life.

In our haste-filled, technology-driven world, sometimes it’s easier said than done to take those much-needed moments to nourish life. But taking seconds to offer your co-worker a smile, minutes to help your older neighbor sweep the snow off  her car, or an hour to sit with someone you know could use the company – they’re all powerful ways to experience real connection.

Throughout today and this evening…

  • When you reach for your smart phone (every one of the hundred times you will), I dare you to investigate why.

  • When you go to post something to your social channels (especially a selfie), I dare you to ask what you are offering.

  • When you are ready to unwind (and opting for TV or technology) I dare you to take a walk … yes, even if it’s cold … or start a hands-on project.

  • When you are about to text your friends or family, I dare you to dial them up and hear their voice or visit them to see their faces.

Thank you for reading. Now, go forth and connect!


Letting go is a choice


Be better? Just be.